This weekend I'm going home. It seems like I haven't been home forever, though it was only Christmas Break. Either way, I miss my family and my lil nephews. One of them just turned six and about an hour before his bday party he asked his mom, "Is aunt Brittney going to be here?" She had to tell him no and he was upset. Oh I love that little guy. We'll get our fun in soon D-man!
Today I had a really encouraging talk with a few of my ladies. The subject?: the rarely talked about subject of males :) As I've journeyed along in this whole process of dating, I've hit some bumps, had some highs and lows, and figured a lot out... though I'm so far from getting a grasp on it (obviously). At this point in my life, I've developed such a contentment in the Lord. Yet, thinking about my future I can't help but wonder... will a man and a family someday be part of my life? I pray the answer is yes, but who knows!! One of my friends reminded me of a statement I used to hold fast to, yet had forgotten about recently. As we were discussing a certain boy and wondering if he was "the one," she said, "Brittney, you've always told me that if it's not him, get excited because the Lord has one that's even better out there!" Talk about needing to take some of your own medicine! Its so true though. It's so easy to get caught up on one person... he's so perfect, or he has it all, or whatever goofy cliches come up. Yet, I know that God has prepared for me, an amazing man that is perfect just for me. So, if this one isn't it, the true one will even one up this one! It definitely takes the weight off my shoulders, or my mind in this case. Just waitin' for the top notch guy, and until then, I'm making sure I'm in love with a Higher Love!
"A woman's heart should be so lost in the heart of God that a man must seek God to find it."