Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Last night we had a Christmas Party with three of my favorite little girls- Nya-Surah, Jahara, and Miya. I met these girls last winter, on a Sunshine retreat, had them in my cabin this summer, and this semester I have been able to spend time quite a bit of time with them. They live a few blocks over, in Cabrini Green. I can't tell you how much joy these girls give me.

We took them to dinner last night and my little Miya, (the littlest one in the blue coat) was so funny. Though she shouldn't have been makin fun of a certain boy that was putting on a show in the SDR, her little personality cracks me up. I couldn't stop laughing at her.

As I held their hands and walked them home, I just soaked up their love and gave them as much
of mine as I could. These little beauties are world changers, they've sure changed mine. Merry Christmas girls!

1 comment:

Amy said...

See you oh so soon! Hope your finals went well!