Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It is entirely too late for me to be sitting at my desk on my computer, let alone BLOGGING! But here I am. There's lots on my mind tonight.

Drama, drama, drama. I really hate it. Cummon girls. Get over it. (Long sigh) For this reason I dislike females. Why must there be the moodswings and emotional rollercoasters?! They drive me nuts. Yes, I'm a female and yes I feel those things, but you have to learn to CONTROL YOURSELF. Once again all I can say is... Cummon now.

I've actually accomplished quite a bit in the last few days. Late night energy kicks always are the best. I wrote 6 pgs of my big research paper two nights ago between 11 and 1!!

I cannot begin to write about how refreshed I get every Wednesday. Heading down to Sunshine is my favorite part of the week. Those hugs and shouts I get as I step in the the SGM building just fill me up. I love those kids so much. They are my such a big part of me now, I absolutely cannot wait until the ARE my life.

I read a book last weekend called Our America. Two boys, LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman, from the South Side of Chicago (Where Sunshine is located) were chosen in the 90s to do a bit of a journalism piece on their lives in and surrounding the Ida B. Wells housing projects. These boys interviewed and talked about their daily occurances and it was put on National Public Radio. It was a big hit. Then as years progressed they continued their stories, including their accounts of the death of Eric Morse, a a5 year old who was dropped to his death off the 14 story of one of the projects by two other little boys. Its a crazy world and they are bluntly open about it, trying to make their voices known. I have thought about it a lot over the past week. The lives these kids encounter are wild. Then today while I was reading to a little girl that I've developed quiet a good relationship with, she randomly asked me if I had ever heard of the little boy that was dropped off the Ida Bees. I told hear yeah and that I had actually just read a book dealing with it. To our suprise, she has been reading Our America in school and one of the authors, LeAlan Jones, actually visits her school regularly. To hear her take on the book was reassuring (she couldnt believe that people had cockroach infested apartments) but also very eye opening. She told me that though theres different stuff goin on in the book, its a lot like her world. If you read that book, your heart would sink at that thought.

I love those kids more than words can express. Please protect them and draw them near. Don't let go.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Love your blog, girl! It's great. I'll definitely be checking it. :) Stay strong this week. Ade